
Fixed and floating charges – how does it all work?

Charges on a company’s assets by creditors are an important aspect of business finance and security. Here’s a comprehensive overview of fixed and floating charges and how they can impact a business:

  1. Types of Charges:
    • Fixed Charges: Fixed charges are secured against tangible assets such as real estate, machinery, vehicles, and other physical properties. These assets are specified in the charge documentation and cannot be sold or disposed of without the consent of the creditors who hold the fixed charges. Creditors with fixed charges have a higher level of security and control over their investments.
    • Floating Charges: Floating charges are applied to more intangible assets, including unfactored debts, stock, supplies, and works-in-progress. These assets are subject to change and are generally harder to quantify than those under fixed charges. Creditors with floating charges have a lower level of security compared to fixed-charge creditors since the assets subject to floating charges can change in nature.
  2. Impact on Business: Charges usually remain in the background of a company’s everyday operations. However, they can become problematic if the company becomes insolvent and unable to meet its financial obligations.
  3. Insolvency and Charges: When a company is insolvent (unable to pay its debts when they become due), creditors may seek to enforce their charges to recover their investments. The severity of the situation can lead to different debt relief options, such as:
    • Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA): This is a legal process that allows a company to reach an agreement with its creditors to repay the debts over time, often in monthly installments, while continuing its operations.
    • Administration: In more serious cases, administration can be initiated. An insolvency practitioner takes control of the company’s operations and may restructure the business, which could include selling off less profitable assets.
  4. Winding Up: If the company’s debts are substantial and repayment reminders are ignored, creditors may petition to wind up the company. This can lead to compulsory liquidation, especially if the debt exceeds £750.
  5. Conversion from Floating to Fixed Charges: In the event of insolvency or business failure, floating charges can potentially be converted into fixed charges. Once this happens, no further action can be taken without the lender’s approval. The specific conditions surrounding the conversion from floating to fixed charges should be outlined in the applicable debenture.
  6. Help for Businesses: For businesses facing financial difficulties, there are legal solutions to address their debts and financial issues. This can include arrangements like CVAs or administration, overseen by qualified insolvency practitioners.

In summary, charges are crucial mechanisms that provide creditors with security for their investments in a company. The distinction between fixed and floating charges depends on the nature of the assets involved. If a company becomes insolvent, creditors may take actions to recover their investments, potentially through legal processes like CVAs, administration, or winding up. Understanding the nuances of charges and their implications is essential for both businesses and creditors to navigate financial challenges effectively.

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